Arm Wrestling Robots Beaten By A Teenage Girl Robotics
Posted by timothy on Tuesday March 08, @06:13PM
from the where-can-I-have-this-done-to-me dept.
fembots writes "Despite her lack of strength, training and technique, a 17-year-old girl has bested three robot arm wrestlers in a contest attempted to encourage the development of polymer-based artificial muscles, which can change shape when activated either electrically or with chemicals."
Oh and if any links ever break, someone remind me I need to write that script which automatically goes out and sucks down a mirror using HTTrack of any site url s I post and makes the mirror available beside the original link. Especially for NYT articles. Fucking bastards. Dont publish it if you dont want it to be freely available forever.
# posted by DeeLoaf @ 11:18 AM