Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Stuff for free

I like to get things for free. Anything I can that I would normally have to pay money for if I didnt know one or two or more tricks. That includes, car insurance, transit rides, software, video, music, food, whatever. I try to get as much for free as possible, cuz despite the amazingly huge (not) $48000 per year salary I'm always perpetually broke. I dont buy any luxuries, I just have a lot of bills from school and being a Dad. Oh and about the car insurance, I dont get car insurance for free. I just dont get car insurance. Hhahahahahahaha.

And it is funny, cuz I didnt contribute to all those profits that the rest of you suckers did. Hahahaahahhaha. And if you tell me its the law I think I'll puke cuz the fine is less than a years insurance and its been over a year. Also, if I crash and injure someone, if they want money they have to claim with their insurance anyways. If I crash and get injured myself, I FULLY ACCEPT MY FATE. I might try and sue for the hell of it, but only if its clearly the other person's fault, but suing is lame and personal injury lawyers are (generally) lamer.


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