Saturday, June 18, 2005


TV and me

Ok so I'm still mourning the passing of Btefnet -- so handy to just list _NEW_ episodes of shows. Well I'm trying to solve the problem. See, TVtome got eaten by (I think) CNet, and is now just ... this site is an interesting resource, and seems to be kept more up to date for some shows, most notably the daily show with Jon Stewart (my current favorite show). So I'm thinking I'll write a script that goes and finds out the latest episodes of the shows I care about!. Sounds easy right? Well, I wasnt sure at first what all the shows I was interested in, and since I'm such a general purpose kind of guy, I wrote some code that will go and get ALL the Tv shows from the a-z listing for all eras (was just gonna limit it to 1990s and 2000s but then found that the simpsons is a 1980s show believe it or not). The script identifies and grabs content from each of the subpages within a given letter listing (letter s has 10 pages!), and puts all content from each letter into an individual page. Then we can go through the pages and find shows that are still running. According to theres 2449 shows that are still running, that is to say there is no ending year specified. Hrmm, thats a lot more than I was hoping. Anyways so now I'm at the point where I just want to flag in the big table which shows _I_ care about. Next I'm going to write the code to get the last page of the episode list for a given show, and then get thelast x episodes for it. For now, I'm just going to list the episodes. At least then I'll know what I'm looking for on BT. Once I get sick of manually looking for the new eps like some kind of scavenging mongrel dog, I'll hopefully be able to figure a way of automating that. Then a way of automating the actual download process. :D


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