Saturday, July 30, 2005


Marc Emery and Canadian Sovereignty.

I must write about Marc Emery's arrest in Halifax. He has been arrested by RCMP members. At the same time he was arrested, his BCMP headquarters in Vancouver was raided. These arrests are the result of US interference in Canadian domestic matters, and Canada's willing co-operation, via a treaty called Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLAT). Why is it that all of a sudden Canadian authorities are interested in stopping Emery seeds? He's been operating for a very very long time, all out in the open. It seems that it is purely American interests motivating this, and complicit parties within the Canadian power structure. I've never heard of this MLAT treaty before but apparently, given the seeming support it has by Canadian institutions, it means that Canada is no longer a sovereign nation. I've suspected Canada hasnt really been sovereign for a long time now. I'm no nationalist, but up until recently I've been consenting to governance and fully recognizing the sovereignty of Canada. It is now difficult to recognize Canada as a sovereign nation as she is not behaving as such. No, Canada is behaving as if she were America's little bitch to the north. If nothing is done about this situation, I.E., withdrawing from the MLAT which was SUPPOSED to be used only with the "war on terror", er, that is the "global struggle against violent extremism", or whatever the fuck they call their ideological crusade these days, then I will be forced to NOT recognize the sovereinty of Canada, cease reference to Canada as a Country and find a new term to describe the region in which I live. Right now given the current situation, "America's Bitch to the North (ABN)" seems a fitting name for this little non-autonomous region.

How can I assert my non-consent to be governed by both ABN and its parent organization, USA? Frankly I dont fucking know and I dont want to end up in gitmo simply because I'm a fucking autonomous human being who refuses to be governed by abstract nonsense.

I suppose this means war.


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