Saturday, June 03, 2006


Guns guns guns -- dont tread on me.

So .. I'm getting rather ... uhh, unimpressed by nation states and thir bullshit. For example heres a few things that piss me off: Census, if I dont consent and dont want to deal with their little bitch national census that I dont believe in, I could be threatened with fiatdollar fines or potential jail time. Yeah, fuck you too. Seatbelt laws, fuck you too its my life. Car insurance. Yeah, um, if I get hurt and want money, I should have had insurance. If I accept the risk, and its my life, then fuck you. But no they'll try and fiatdollar fine you or jail you, or deny you your property (automobile) despite the fact that you'd caused no harm. No this is getting to be enough. Property taxes. Yeah fuck you Canada. Wheres a human who doesnt do usury fiatdollars supposed to build his little one room shack? If you dont do usury fiatdollars, you dont get that chance, save by squatting. Actually I think thats the eventual plan. Anything I invest myself in will bloody well have to have wheels on it for when the squat patrol / fiatdollar taxation deathsquad comes around I can simply up and move along like a goddan gypsy. If wanted to stay put ... well then I'd have to have a supporters, a crateload of these puppies (or similar) and start a revolution.

But I dont have any supporters and even if I did I dont want to be a revolutionary leader, I just want a place to build a home and be in peace.


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