Tuesday, December 26, 2006
9/11 Truth
I try not to participate in September-the-eleventh related conversations for a few reasons, number one is that they are upsetting and number two is that I've spent way too much time on it and have yet to find any reason to change my opinion. I kinda wish I could find something but I can't. Anyway I jumped into the fray late on this thread over on SoS, though I probably should have not bothered. Then of course, having it on my mind again has found me spending hours today reading more stuff and looking at videos and things. Argh. Also I think I'm going to rewatch this episode of south park, since it talks a lot about this stuff and put some of the truth-seeker's questions out there to expose a lot of people to another side of the 9/11 story that does not see the light of day much in the MSM. Regardless of the comedic conclusion of the episode, the ongoing plug for 911truth.org via one of the characters T-shirts is important.