Monday, October 15, 2007



Zomg. So while I'm off in happy-happy land of Orcs and Humans and other happy fun races escaping from the bullshit of real life, real life is going on. Just checked out futures for energy and currency for a lark and see CAD is still up, trading higher than shitty USD taint and also Oil futures trading over $86. Sorry last I checked it just broke over the last $78.xx record and so today I was a little shocked. Hrmm ... time to go bury head in the sands of Outlands some more. My Hotawakun warrior character on the Laughing Skull realm is level 58 now and I'm working on a Hunter alt named Bindinka. I am putting a lot of hours into this. Yeah, in the end its a pointless waste of time, other than being fun and entertaining. Its also keeping my mind off problems that I feel helpless to solve. I mean, I know what the problem is in the world and I know what the answer is, but I dont know how to get myself or other people moving in that direction without a major fucking currency crisis and so until that happens fuck it I'm playing WoW.


Yeah, can't wait to see some societal shit disturbance myself. I wonder what the price of oil has to be before that happens? $150? Doesn't seem to far in the future anymore...
Have you seen What a Way to Go yet?
You gotta see it, man. Let me know when you have so that I stop reminding you. ;)

And then read some Derrick Jensen ("Endgame") and probably get really freaked out. I haven't read it yet, but I know I'm not gonna like what he has to say. I talked to a couple guys who did, and they both said it took them a year to come to terms with the ideas in it.
Heya Paul ya man I watched it. I should watch it again.

I dont know what the answer is. There are limited resources on this planet. We need to move from a growth oriented mentality to a stability oriented one. Or we're all fucked. How the hell to do that when so many of us are completely sidelined by our bullshit realities of working idiotic jobs for bank tokens so that we can just survive? How can we start meeting our survival needs without doing the grind? I think its important that we do, and do it in a sustainable way. Somehow 6.5 billion people have to come together and manage the resources of this planet through some kind of consensus process that I can't imagine actually working. In short we need a better system than the one that got us into this mess but this system is entrenched for ten thousand years so deeply that people can't even imagine somthing different and I myself despite being aware of the bullshit even struggle to come up with something that could work for everyone.
Hey dude, glad you got a copy of it.

Yeah, well, welcome to my new reality. For me, hoping for a world in which "somehow 6.5 billion people have come together" and come up with "something that could work for everyone" is just another pointless endeavour in denial. That point of view no longer makes sense to me. I've seen that film three times now, and it makes me pretty emotional every time I see it. It made me and my dad cry. Because it's a reality I can't afford to ignore anymore, and it's scary as shit. I know there's going to be a massive population decline within my lifetime. Whether it's going to happen in a humane way or not (and I suspect the latter), it's going to happen and I don't want to be a part of it! Or the people that I care about. So I've got to start thinking strategically. I'm glad the comforts of civilization aren't as near and dear to me as most of those addicted to it, so I think I can weather the transition to a much, much lower-impact lifestyle. How exactly to go about it is still very much a mystery, but that's where I have to start seriously concentrating my energy.
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