Saturday, December 24, 2011
Silver to Gold Ratio
I've read in many places that historically the silver to gold ratio has been about 15 to 1 since at least the time of the Roman Empire. But new information comes my way from time to time, and according to ranting Andy the current rates are closer to 10 to 1 (discussion). Couple that with the fact that Silver is highly in demand for industrial and manufacturing related purposes and you can see there is a lot of pressure on silver compared to gold. I would expect then that when the paper markets finally collapse and we see true price discovery we'll see that 10 to 1 ratio show up in the pricing. Whether that means $2000 gold and $200 silver, or some other numbers due to the unknowable future actions of the central banks and the effects they have on overall money supply and thus the prices quoted for precious metals, I dont think it matters - Gold and Silver are your ticket to surviving a HARD powerdown/economic collapse situation. The 10 to 1 ratio as currently produced according to analysts like Andy Hoffman is new information to me, and helps me put things further into perspective. I'm also still long on Bitcoins and expect them to more than double in value over the next 12 months with heavy upward pressure towards the end of 2012 due to the upcoming halving of the block reward.