Thursday, April 27, 2006
Garbage in garbage Out
Monday, April 24, 2006
Blogging the revolution - some things I've been thinking about
Its time to transition to biosolar living. Its time to chuck out the banking systems and the governments and the corporations and basically start over. Its time to start doing these things while the anachronistic systems and institutions of the past play out their deaths, so that as the old order dies we will be prepared to move fully into the new. This means setting up our future and not looking back, ignoring the nations and corporations of the past and yes it also means standing up to them, with force if neccessary. I really want to avoid bloodshed but there _is_ a time to fight. And I'm afraid that time is going to be soon. How will you know? I can't tell you but you'll know. The cracks are already starting to appear in the dam.
So we need a plan to rollout inclusive biosolar living on this planet. I envision a form of participatory anarchy making it all work, globally linked by what we will create from whatever is left of the present internet. And we absolutely have to work together if we want to keep this planet habitable. We'll definitely need a constructive way to transact with one another and build meaningful relationships. We cannot be fighting amongst ourselves chasing after scarce dollars. We'll stop paying taxes, we'll stop paying attention to the old order and just let it die. If it tries to fight us, we'll fight back, but not before trying to convince our agressors that they reallly want to be on our side. The truth is that they have no power over us, the power only an illusion, based on a confidence game. And when the agents of force, fed and housed by our enemies, can realize a brighter future by being on our side then we have won.
I would first begin by establishing a small biosolar habitat with close friends. I would then do everything possible to get physical neighbors on board with the plan, and help form consensus plans for expansion. At the same time I would want to make it widely known what is being embarked upon, and the planet wide goals. I dont want to push a particular lifestyle on anybody but at the same time I dont want them to push their lifestyle on me. And right now I feel like the "chase dollars, pay taxes, be part of some bullshit called Canada" lifestyle is forced down my throat every second of every day. I dont have the "legal" option to a place to live without it being tied into some national fiat money system! I dont believe in national fiat money systems, I dont believe in property taxes. So my time will come, and I will not be held in a cage for my beliefs. The only justifaction for putting a man in a cage is that he is a physical danger to his community, and a guy who simply wants to stake a claim to some property and grow himself some food and live life and not chase dollars is NOT a physical danger to his community.
The young people of today will come to realize (because I'm bloody well going to make them understand) that they have been robbed of their future by the wasteful generations before them. And it will fall on our shoulders to keep the planet habitable for our children. I have a little girl and it PAINS ME to think of the future she will inherit.
I know I'll remain part of the problem right now because to try to be part of the solution will land me in a cage, put there by fucks who claim to represent folks who occupy the land inside these lines drawn on a map.
At least I'm thinking about this stuff. Most just accept things the way they are, chase dollars, consume more, pay some interest, lose the house to the bank, have some kids so they can do the same, then die. Some life. And thats why we need to change the way things are.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Oil over $73 - Update -- oops make it $74. No wait, $75.
Update: yeah make that $75. Yeah seriously it set new highs above 73 and then just kept going today. 1:38pm EST or so saw it touch $75. Where will it go from there who knows. I heard gas shortages on the east coast too, for somewhat unrelated reasons but hey whatever.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Crazy Recluse Spends Obscene Amount of Cash.
So I've been spending some time setting it up, getting my programs installed, figuring out this wireless networking thing (which is really neato, and finally making some use of my WRT54GS).
Now that I have a new tool, maybe some super useful application for it that can contribute towards my livlihood (read: earn some fiat cash) will present itself.
I can tell you it will lighten the load in my bugout bag somewhat hahahah! And can run on DC hand crankeroni. I need to buy hand crankeroni. Oh no I've opened a can of worms.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Another reason not to nuke Iran
Politics aside, these bunker buster nukes are unlikely to be effective. Heres an interesting flash explaining it better.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Some things that have changed since the 70s
OK, for fun, lets make a list of things that were different then vs. now, even if it’s only a sample of 2 time periods. My memory in the late 70’s is somewhat vague as I was attending college in California. I’ve got three:
1. Commodity price inflation was driven by increasing wages (too many dollars), now it’s driven purely global demand, US consumerism (borrowed dollars and housing ATM) and global liquidity (exported US dollars in return for imported foreign trinkets).
2. Real estate inflation (appreciation) was driven by higher wages and the desire of high income taxpayers to shelter ordinary income (pre 1986 Tax Reform Act) from high tax rates (20-35% higher than today’s top rates). The rent to value ratio had to make some sense. Short term speculators/flippers weren’t as common then. Today, RE prices have been driven by record low interest rates, easy qualifying and credit terms and record breaking speculation. Much of the run-up was a result of drastic measures taken by the Fed to keep the economy from collapsing after 9/11.
3. In 1982, gold shot to $850 toward the tail-end of that mania, and was driven by geo-political concerns, as well as fear/heard mentality as a result of inflation, and scarcity. Gold investors had to either take possession or trust an unlicensed broker for storage. I recall some brokers had some issues with accounting. Today, gold is driven by uncertainty regarding the true value of national currencies and the US dollar in particular, a US/Global debt bubble as a result of record low interest rates, and finally, maybe most important, an easy way to buy via the ETF’s. Gold is still “off the radar” for most investors and speculators, and I don’t think there has been anything remotely resembling a herd mentality rush to buy, yet.
Correct me if I’m wrong or elaborate. Your turn to add to the list.. On a side note, one of the things that has stuck with me after 9/11 is that our economy and our nation are quite a bit more fragile than I would like to believe. We’re further weakened as a result of war in Iraq and as a result of taking a few hurricanes in our soft gulf coast underbelly.