Tuesday, December 26, 2006


9/11 Truth

I try not to participate in September-the-eleventh related conversations for a few reasons, number one is that they are upsetting and number two is that I've spent way too much time on it and have yet to find any reason to change my opinion. I kinda wish I could find something but I can't. Anyway I jumped into the fray late on this thread over on SoS, though I probably should have not bothered. Then of course, having it on my mind again has found me spending hours today reading more stuff and looking at videos and things. Argh. Also I think I'm going to rewatch this episode of south park, since it talks a lot about this stuff and put some of the truth-seeker's questions out there to expose a lot of people to another side of the 9/11 story that does not see the light of day much in the MSM. Regardless of the comedic conclusion of the episode, the ongoing plug for 911truth.org via one of the characters T-shirts is important.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Vivid dream I amctually rememberd in some detail.

This felt like the most vivid dream I can ever recall having in my life. I was not lucid, it was a dream i was not aware was a dream until I woke, and then I cried because I felt like I had been falling in love. I know the fact that I remember my dreams has everything to do with not smoking pot. Strange that. But fuck I take soooo long to fall asleep. Tradeoff. Hrm. Anyway there is no proof-reading of the following, it was typed as fast as I could. I'll reread it later and fix anything that is totally brutal.


Strange dream house. there was the 3circles floor-plan, dome house with no real walls, open concept, with rooms divided by sheets etc. character in dream semed to be "girlfriends parents" for tht house. but that wasnt the house they normally lived in. kitcehn was so real. i touched the counter top. the old style dial-operated microwave (oddly in adjacent room, i think at a mini-bar or something) was so real

"girlfriend" lived with parents in her own room of ther house. house itself was promintently weird in dream with abasement that you could not get out of unless you followed the two different staricases out of it in the right pattern or something. I dunno I was rescured out of it by "girlfriend". girl was really into me, we were both hitting it off really well. she was pretty. she just got her dgree in anesthesiology. that was part of the dream, her actual degree documentation arriving. she was so proud and i was proud of her.

we hugged in the dream at a point when we were outisde the house near the drivewyay or curb. we were in her room which was heavily ornamented with pretty nicknacks.

in one corner was what she refreered (later) to as old british tv characters (some kind of toy action figure things/model things on a table in the corner by the window). in her room we talked about getting togethr on "tuesday" morning. but I said evening b/c we both had to work. she agrreed that me coming to her work might not look good. i suggested that on "tuesday" we could watch a movie. I think we both said "watch a movie" or something. i told her I had acouple i hadnt watched, like art school confidential and click.

later we went to some club where we were sitting at a table. after some of the people at the bench/table beside us were kicked out for not having id (and being obviously like 12!) (and the female, long brown hair manager who was asking them to leave picked up and looked at my cellphone (which was the crappy blue bellone) she wanted to make sure i didnt have a picture phone which for some reason i had the memory of having been kicked out of the place or something once before for just such a transgression. at any rate the 'girlfireld' and isettled down onto the bench behind us and then she sent a photo (acutally a 2x2 composite image or 4 images) to my virgin phone .. i whispered the last 4 digits into her ear. then we looked at the pictureas on my phone. one was of ornaments in her room (topleft) (i was using buttons on the phone to zoom in and move to each picture in the composite image), i cant rememebr what the others were though one looked like a toilet cam from overhead kind of pic. Thats all i remember.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Costco Window Shopping Nightmare

I decided to check out Costco to see if I want to renew my old membership. Guy at the door lets me in with both my backpack and my expired membership. Cool. Anyway, I plan to take short videos of my adventure, mostly to note the prices of some things I might actually buy to see if it is worthwhile. I observe many things. At 0:33 you hear the end of my coversation with a guy who had questions about DVD-R vs DVD+R. Then a lot of product and pricing. At 3:06 in the video there is a lady who wants to see what the spoons look like (disposable plastic spoons I believe) and so she proceeded to open the box. Shortly after that I was asked buy some guy (who seemed to work there) not to take pictures. Then a little while later some other lady (also who worked there) came up and asked me not to take pictures and wanted to see my old membership card. She told me that I'd have to have my backpack inspected on the way out. I said I understand, no problem. When I go to leave my bag is quite thoroughly searched. I am followed out into the parking lot by a guy who I had seen in the store. I think he was following me in the store. Him and another guy tried to approach me as I was getting to my car but I just got in and drove off. It was an overall suck-ass experience, being hassled and shit. I do (did?) plan to buy a bunch of stuff there. Anyways, you dont get to see much of the exciting stuff because I'm retarded and not recording at those times mostly. You do see the last few seconds (sort of cuz its too jerky) of my bag search on the way out. She asking me about the shit in my bag too. Why do you have flyers from canadian tire. Do you have like a walkman in here? And I'm just like I dunno .. theres stuff in there. Whatever she can look through it all. Its basiclaly a manpurse. How do you like having your manpurse sifted thru buy some dink at a Costco? Yeah I'm stealing your precious bulk merchanidise in my little backpack .. grumble. Anyway, look at that advil liquigels.

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