Thursday, August 09, 2007
Hott Fuzz - Fun flick
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Sad use of excessive force / police misconduct in Vernon
This kind of shit makes me sick. Where have we gone wrong that this bullshit crap passes for policing? Our society is so weak now that we delegate the monopoly of the use of force to fuckers like this. It makes me want to just go berserk and do something really crazy to put an end to it. But then I'd be just as bad as them. Instead I think I'll keep working on shutting down the systems that guarantee them a paycheck.
Friday, August 03, 2007
NOT Moving to TO.
For now, at least, I'm just gonna try and stay here in my Burlington flat. I have to resolve a parking-fee-bait-and-switch dispute with the landlord. I'll probably just bend over, lube up, and accept what I have coming for that. Then once that is out of the way I can hopefully negotiate with them on some rental terms that are closer to what they are advertising for joe-buttfuck-off-the-street $950 including utes and a parking space (parking for a year anyway). Also I am currently subscribed to a seemingly grandfathered unlimited bell DSL plan at this address that I abuse the hell out of which doesn't seem to be available to new customers so if I move I will be paying for bandwidth out the wazoo. And the wazoo is just too beaten up already lollerz.
Now you will have a single-sign-on and universal ID, and you can go log into this cool website .
Also, I think I am never writing a normal user registration system again, ever. I think that I will tell you that you can log in with your openid, and if you dont have an openid to go to myopenid or any other trusted openID provider and freakin get one.
And the first app I want to make is a trust network where you establish trust and relationships with people by actually doing something for them. I can make websites and code db applications and fun stuff like that. I hate to cook. Lets find a way to work together so your website gets made and I get some nice meals. Examplebam.
Anyhoo, check out that jyte thing anyway. I think you can do it without openid, but seriously, openid is cool.