Thursday, March 24, 2005



Man its neat. I like it. I'm learning how to use it. Also, learning to use mod_perl. I should put some links in here. Well, if you go to for XMLHTTPRequest or 'ajax' theres lots there.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005



Fuck. Not sure if I'm usin this right. Anyway, just wondering, is it wrong to destroy the machinations of capital? To burn Hummers and blow up refineries? I'm starting to wonder. As long as nobody gets hurt.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Oil up More ... yeeeeeehaaw

So I was going to blog about the new high of oil yesterday. $56.something ... but who cares. Its up EVEN MORE today!!! w00p!!! Right now the news is saying $57.23 per barrel. Fuckin A. Ok, so another $23 to go until biodiesel is cheaper than fossil diesel. double w00p. I hope we get there soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Downloading TV Shows

Watching TV on cable or satellite or whatever the shit sucks ass without a PVR because of the commercials. I hate watching them. I hate sitting thru them even if I'm not paying attention and they're muted. its still unncessary interruption of the program. So I've got a simple answer, and no I'm not ready to buy a PVR just yet --- I'm a cheapo never forget that --- I'm downloading my favorite shows from sites like btefnet. Its great. No commercials, good quality (not quite satellite but close, esp. on my crappy TV (got the TV for free for financing a bed that I'll be paying for until I die with 30% interest scandalously compounding yearly). Looks like I need to log into my homepc via VNC and start downloading last night's Daily Show among other things.



Oil sucks ass. But it drives the economy. Why do we use oil when there are renewable alternatives? For the simple 3fold reason that a) oil was and to a lesser degree still is the low hanging fruit of energy resources (you could say coal is but its got a lot more disadvantages), b) oil is what we've alwaysused -- why change now? and c) Capitalism likes oil for reasons a and b and that makes it hard to change. (Those with the money dont want to risk it on something thats less of a sure thing).

What is changing is that oil is becoming harder to get at a good price, and the price of the alternatives is going down. Boidiesel is the perfect switchover alternative since it can be used in any diesel engine, and when biodiesel can be sold for the same price as regular petrol it will give the capitalists a real reason to change what they put their money behind. Of course if it werent for capitalism and its way of looking at things, we could have moved on already and made a big thrust into alternatives.

Oh yeah, btw, oils been up lately, which I see as a good thing. $54.72 a barrel at 10:01 a.m today in NYC. Down from yesterday but still flirting with alltime highs.

Thursday, March 10, 2005



Last night after work I went to the Toronto Herb Collective ... thats the other THC, located in the space where the main THC used to be. And its such a nice space, and so much can be done with it. I hung out with Marko there for about an hour then had to leave to catch the very last outbound express train (6:35pm westbound to Harmilton, express to Clarkson - I go to Appleby). I had a nice time, smoked some good bud and had a nice coversation with my friend. I dont do that often enough, get out and meet face to face. Its better than text.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


From slashdot - artificial muscle:

Arm Wrestling Robots Beaten By A Teenage Girl Robotics
Posted by timothy on Tuesday March 08, @06:13PM
from the where-can-I-have-this-done-to-me dept.
fembots writes "Despite her lack of strength, training and technique, a 17-year-old girl has bested three robot arm wrestlers in a contest attempted to encourage the development of polymer-based artificial muscles, which can change shape when activated either electrically or with chemicals."

Oh and if any links ever break, someone remind me I need to write that script which automatically goes out and sucks down a mirror using HTTrack of any site url s I post and makes the mirror available beside the original link. Especially for NYT articles. Fucking bastards. Dont publish it if you dont want it to be freely available forever.


Stuff for free

I like to get things for free. Anything I can that I would normally have to pay money for if I didnt know one or two or more tricks. That includes, car insurance, transit rides, software, video, music, food, whatever. I try to get as much for free as possible, cuz despite the amazingly huge (not) $48000 per year salary I'm always perpetually broke. I dont buy any luxuries, I just have a lot of bills from school and being a Dad. Oh and about the car insurance, I dont get car insurance for free. I just dont get car insurance. Hhahahahahahaha.

And it is funny, cuz I didnt contribute to all those profits that the rest of you suckers did. Hahahaahahhaha. And if you tell me its the law I think I'll puke cuz the fine is less than a years insurance and its been over a year. Also, if I crash and injure someone, if they want money they have to claim with their insurance anyways. If I crash and get injured myself, I FULLY ACCEPT MY FATE. I might try and sue for the hell of it, but only if its clearly the other person's fault, but suing is lame and personal injury lawyers are (generally) lamer.


Proofreading and speeeeeeeleing mistakes.

Sometimes I type fast (or my version of fast) and make mistakes and dont bother to go back and fix them cuz I'm spewing a stream of thought and just dont care. Thought you should know so you can disregard the hangon sentences and bad grammer and speeeeeeling as it comes up.


Go Train

On Friday I almost missed the train. I had enough time but I the car was running out of gas. The stupid gas gauge is not accurate and when that low fuel light does actually come on, brother get your ass to a gas station. It usualyl comes on before it starts stalling out but it was cold ... and I wasnt getting anything out of it, started acting sluggish like it was gonna stall. So I stopped to get gas. But I didnt have much time so I got only $5. Then I boogied myself along the way down Fairview towards Appleby. Just as the light turns green at Appleby I see the train go by on the bridge. And I think "Fuck I need to be ON that train". So I floor it and get into the parking lot and I start going up to the front (and trust me theres only ever 1 or 2 spaces near the front tucked in between two asshole SUV's) ... but fuck, no spaces where I usually go, turn left down an aisle thinking no Train for me. Then bam, theres a spot, so I back in quick and get out the car. I'm not going to make it but lets try anyways. The train is now stopped, open the doors (yeah I got into the lot and parked pretty flippin quick). and so I start running to it. Have to go underground, forget about punching my fine-aviodance-system, er, proof-of-payment, run up the stairs and get there just in time for the doors to close. Thinking, come on! open it up! lemme on ... verbalize that too. No such luck, Then the train starts moving and so I stand on the metal grate by one of the doors. Then I jump off because as I also verbalized, 'this is a pretty stupid idea'. So thats it. I missed the train. BUT NO!!!!! The TRAIN STOPS! and The assistant conductor in the rear-most car says 'hey guy you can come on here' and opens the door for me. I say "Thanks Mister!" and get on. What a rush though, I totally knew I was going to miss it, decided to try anyways and made it. I know, the story of some jerk being late and almost missing the train. But this is my life and it was exciting at the time.


Yet another blog

So I think this brings the total of blogs to 4 now. Previous 3 started and not continued. More of the same? Who knows, who cares.

I was going to start this shit off with a giant picture of my dick that I did to get an invite to empornium. But I thought, naa, I might want to use this blog to help reconnect with some people I dont get to talk to much anymore, former co-workers, parents, ex-wives, you know.

So I think the focus of this thing is just going to be the stuff that I find worthy of sharing in my day to day life.

A few quick entries that helped inspire me to start this thing. Again. -----> :::::::

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